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Bell Schedules

SEHS Daily Bell Schedule

8:14 * Report to 1st Period Class
8:20 School Day Begins/Pledge/Moment of Silence/Tardy Bell
8:20 - 9:20 1st Period
9:25 - 10:15 2nd Period
10:20 - 11:10 3rd Period
11:15 - 12:05

4th Period
11:10 - 11:35 Lunch for 4th travel ECCA students

12:10 - 12:40

Instructional Focus
12:10 Instructional Focus Announcements
(12:05 12:40 Lunch for 5th travel ECCA students)

12:45 - 2:00

5th period

12:40 - 1:06 1st Lunch
1:08 -  1:33 2nd Lunch
1:35 - 2:00 3rd Lunch
2:05 - 2:55 6th Period
3:00 - 3:50 7th Period
3:48 Afternoon Announcements
3:50 Dismissal by Bell

*Doors open to students at 8:00 AM

ECCA Daily Bell Schedule

The following schedule are for those students who attend extension classes located at the Effingham College & Career Academy for both STEM and non-STEM (CTAE) courses.
1st/2nd Period Students needing transportation will leave SEHS @ 8:20 and will arrive at ECCA @ 8:50. They will leave ECCA @ 9:55 and arrive at SEHS @ 10:20 for 3rd period.
3rd/4th Period Students needing transportation will leave SEHS @ 10:15 and will arrive at ECCA @ 10:45. They will leave ECCA @ 11:55 and arrive at SEHS @ 12:25. Students will eat lunch at SEHS during their 5th period class.
5th Period

(4th Period Travel)

Students needing transportation will eat lunch in the SEHS Cafeteria from 11:10 - 11:35. They will leave SEHS @ 11:40 and arrive at ECCA @ 12:10. They will leave ECCA @ 1:25 and arrive at SEHS @ 1:55 for 6th period.

6th Period

(5th Period Travel)

Students needing transportation will eat lunch in the SEHS Cafeteria from 12:05-12:40. They will leave SEHS @ 12:45 and will arrive at ECCA @ 1:15. They will leave ECCA @ 2:30 and arrive at SEHS @ 3:00 for 7th period.

STEM Instructional Focus @ STEM
STEM IF students needing transportation will leave ECCA @ 3:15 and arrive at SEHS @ 3:45.