Attendance Policy
STUDENT ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance JB - Revised 6/15/2023
The Effingham County Board of Education believes that every child of school attendance age should attend school on a regular basis in order to maximize his/her educational opportunities. Students who are absent from school may never regain some of the experiences which take place during their absences. It is the intent of the Board of Education that the Georgia Compulsory School Attendance Law is followed. Every student shall be in attendance each of the scheduled school days for the full-length of the school day. Arriving late or departing early from school are in violation of the Georgia Compulsory School Attendance Law (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1).
Consequences are set forth in procedures Late Arrival/Early Departure as defined in the Student/Parent Handbook. EXCUSED ABSENCES It is the policy of the Board to excuse students from school for the following reasons:
1. Personal illness and whose attendance in school endangers a student’s health or the health of others.
2. Illness or death in the immediate family. The excused illness provision applies to the student’s mother, father, step-mother, step-father, or a blood or legal relative who resides in the student’s household. The excused death provision applies to the above relatives or for the student’s brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandfather, aunt, uncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, cousin, niece, or nephew.
3. Special and recognized religious holidays observed by their faith, necessitating absence from school.
4. Mandated by the order of a governmental agency (such as jury duty or physical exam for the armed services). Effingham County School District Page 15 of 53 Student & Parent Handbook 2023-2024
5. A student whose parent or legal guardian is in military service in the United States armed forces or National Guard and such parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted excused absences, up to a maximum of five days per school year to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian prior to such parent’s or legal guardian’s deployment or during the parent’s or legal guardian’s leave.
6. Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student’s health or safety.
7. Any other absence not explicitly defined herein but deemed by the Superintendent or designee to have merit based on circumstances and may be a non-school sponsored activity. School days missed as a result of out of school suspension shall be counted as an excused absence for the purpose of determining student truancy. The absences shall be counted as unexcused for all other purposes. The principal may in certain circumstances require students to present appropriate medical or other documentation upon return to school for the purpose of validating that absences are excused.
ACTIVITY DAY ABSENCES It is the policy of the Board to mark students present with an Activity Day from school for the following reasons:
1. Students serving as pages of the Georgia Assembly with appropriate documentation.
2. Students in foster care attending court proceedings related to their foster care with appropriate documentation.
3. Students participating in an activity or program sponsored by 4-H. Upon request from a school principal or the principal’s designee, students shall provide documentation as proof of participation in an activity or program sponsored by 4-H.
4. Students visiting prospective colleges; however, the student must received approval from the school administration prior to the visitation. Activity day absences for college visits are limited to one visit during the junior year and two visits during the senior year. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the school administration.
5. Students participating in a school system approved field trips. Teachers shall provide appropriate documentation to the school administration.
6. Students participating in a job shadowing, or an apprenticeship program approved by the school system.
7. Students participating in approved extracurricular activities, or school-sponsored activities, such as clubs and/or sports. Teachers shall provide appropriate documentation to the school administration. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Unexcused absences are all other absences, which are not defined as excused.
CONSECUTIVE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES A student who has more than ten (10) consecutive unexcused absences, who is not subject to compulsory school attendance, and who is not receiving instructional services through homebound instruction or services required by the federal Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA) may be withdrawn from school. The student will be withdrawn retroactively to the first day of the student’s absence. The principal or designee shall use his/her best efforts to notify the parent, guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a student if the school system plans to withdraw the student.
HOSPITAL/HOMEBOUND (HHB) Hospital/Homebound services are designed to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or hospital in Georgia public schools whose medical needs, either physical or psychiatric, do not allow them to attend school for a limited period of time. HHB services are not intended to supplant regular school services and are by design temporary. Students must anticipate being absent from school for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive days or intermittent school days due to a medical or psychiatric condition. Parents and/or guardians with a student with a health impairment whose conditions may interfere with regular school should consult with the teacher, counselor, or administrator to make an application for the Hospital Homebound program. The student must have a medical and/or psychiatric condition that is documented by a licensed physican. The psychiatric condition represented must be listed in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). The referring licensed physician must be the treating physician for the medical/psychiatric condition for which the student is requesting HHB services. The student shall be counted present for the entire week when the student is provided instruction on an individual basis or as part of a group by the HHB teacher for a minimum of three hours per week. HHB students should be coded with HHB in Infinite Campus, which is considered present. If the student is not served three hours a week, then the student is marked unexcused for the full week (Monday through Friday). The unexcused absences will follow the district’s attendance policy. As outlined in the HHB paperwork, HHB services may be terminated for a variety of reasons. Services may be terminated when a student is employed in any capacity, goes on vacation, regularly participates in extracurricular activities, or is no longer confined to home. Additionally, HHB services may be terminated when the parent/guardian cancels three HHB instructional sessions without providing 24 hours notice. TRUANCY A student shall not be absent from school or any class or other required function during school hours except as permitted under school attendance policies or Georgia law. Any student absent from school more than five (5) days without a valid excuse is considered truant.
EXCUSED ABSENCE DOCUMENTATION All excuses should be submitted within three (3) days of return to school. The excuse must note the reason for the absence. A student cannot excuse his or her own absence. Excuses that are received after the third day back to school may not be accepted and the absence may be considered as unexcused. School principals shall determine whether circumstances warrant the granting of make-up work for suspensions or other unexcused absences.
ABSENCES SHALL BE GOVERNED UNDER THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS Students in grades K-8 who have more than sixteen (16) absences (excused or unexcused) from school shall not be promoted to the next higher grade. If a student has more than sixteen (16) absences and has otherwise met the promotion requirements for the grade level, then the school administration will initiate the attendance appeal process by convening the School Hardship Committee. In such cases, the School Hardship Committee shall review the results of common interim assessments (CIA) and/or the end-of-grade assessment to determine if the student has mastered the required objectives of the course. If the student has not mastered the required objectives of the course, the student may not be promoted to the next higher grade. If a middle school student is enrolled in a course that earns high school credit, grades 9-12 attendance requirements will apply. Students in grades 9-12 who for any reason have more than eight (8) absences (excused or unexcused) from a semester-long course or who have more than sixteen (16) absences (excused or unexcused) from a yearlong course may not earn the unit credit for the course. If the student has a passing grade in said course, then the school administration will initiate the attendance appeal process by convening Effingham County School District Page 16 of 53 Student & Parent Handbook 2023-2024 the School Hardship Committee. In such cases, the School Hardship Committee shall review the results of common interim assessments (CIA) and/or the end-of-course assessment to determine if the student has mastered the required objectives of the course. If the student has not mastered the required objectives of the course, the student may not earn unit credit for the course. For students receiving special education or related services, the Individualized Education Plan Committee shall serve as the School Hardship Committee. Students who have been enrolled in an Effingham County School for only a portion of the school year as well as students who may be enrolled in courses that are scheduled for less than a full semester shall have attendance requirements and rules appropriately prorated.
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES TO REDUCE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: NOTIFICATION The Effingham County School System will notify the parent, guardian, or other person who has charge of the student when the student has accumulated 5 unexcused absences. The notice will be sent via the student and will outline the possible penalty and consequences of such absences and that each subsequent absence will constitute a separate offense. If the parent returns the first notification acknowledgement signed, no further letters need to be sent. After one week with no response a second notification will be sent via the student. If the parent returns the letter with acknowledgement signed, no further letters need to be sent. After a week with no response a third letter will be sent by certified mail return receipt requested or first-class mail. Prior to any action to commence judicial proceedings to impose a penalty for violating O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1 against a parent, guardian or other person residing in this state who has control or charge of a child or children, the school shall send a notice to such parent, guardian, or other person by certified mail, return receipt requested.
SCHOOL HARDSHIP COMMITTEE The school administration is responsible for initiating the attendance appeal process for the School Hardship Committee. A School Hardship Committee shall be established at each school to review student attendance, grades and documentation of absences for students who have exceeded the maximum number of allowable absences. The parent and student will be afforded an opportunity, after reasonable notice served personally or by mail, to discuss the attendance appeal process with the School Hardship Committee and provide any additional documentation. The School Hardship Committee shall be composed of the following: 1. School Principal or designee 2. One School Guidance Counselor 3. County Attendance Officer (if requested by principal) 4. Two teacher representatives for the school (appointed by the principal) The School Hardship Committee may grant a waiver to the attendance policy if it deems the student's absences to be beyond the control of the student and the result of some extreme hardship such as severe chronic health problems or a family crisis, as documented by a physician's notes. After reviewing the documentation, the School Hardship Committee shall make one of the following determinations: 1. An attendance hardship exists for the student and the attendance policy is waived. The student in grades K-8 will be promoted to the next grade level without taking the comprehensive examination. The student in grades 9-12 with a passing grade in said course will earn course credit. 2. An attendance hardship does not exist for a student in grades K-8: however, the student earned a grade of 70 or higher in all four content areas (ELA/Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies). For students in grades K-8, the school principal or designee shall administer the comprehensive examination to the student. The student’s comprehensive exam score will be evaluated for a grade of 70 or higher. If an attendance hardship does not exist for a student in grades 9-12, the student’s end-of-course test for each course will be evaluated for a grade of 70 or higher. If the course does not have an end-of-course test, the School Hardship Committee will review the results of common interim assessments (CIA) to determine if the student has maintained a 70 or above average. If so, then the committee will conclude that mastery of content has been met and credit for the course will be awarded. If the student has not mastered the required objectives of the course, the student may not earn unit credit for the course. The School Hardship Committee shall make every effort to maintain the intent and purpose of the attendance policy while making allowances for bona fide hardships, which may affect the future well being of the students. In the event that the School Hardship Committee supports retention or credit denial, the School Hardship Committee must schedule a meeting and/or phone conference with the student’s parent/guardian. The results of all School Hardship Committee meetings will be mailed home to the primary parent or guardian. If the student or his/her parent/guardian disagrees with the decision of the School Hardship Committee then he/she may appeal that decision to the Office of Curriculum and Technology for a final ruling. This appeal shall be limited to the record before the School Hardship Committee and shall only be to determine if the committee has followed the policy and ensure that the committee has not acted arbitrarily, illegally, or discriminated against the student.
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR ABSENCES AND EXCUSES ATTENDANCE, GRADE, AND DISCIPLINE ENHANCEMENT (MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS) The Effingham County Board of Education recognizes that student attendance, grades, and discipline are of primary importance. Students with excessive absences, poor grades, and discipline problems are forfeiting a valuable degree of their total education experiences. In an attempt to improve attendance, academic achievement, and overall discipline at the middle and high schools, the following procedures shall be followed for students in grades six through twelve: Students shall have the privilege of driving automobiles to school and shall be issued a parking permit if they qualify under existing procedures (i.e. parental consent, licensed, and properly insured).
To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities (i.e., clubs, pageants, field trips, “10-Day” activities), a student must:
● Earn a 70% or higher in 5 classes at the end of each nine-weeks’ grading period
● Have less than six (6) unexcused school day absences in a 9 weeks grading period. For the purposes of eligibility, a student is considered present at school for a full day if they are present 4 of 7 periods.
● Have four or less discipline referrals in a nine-weeks’ grading period Students who do not meet the above criteria shall lose their opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities, and “10-Day” activities during the following nine weeks’ grading period. Middle school athletics will follow high school guidance of eligibility changing at the semester. Students with good attendance, good grades, and good discipline shall be allowed to regain their privileges to participate in extracurricular activities and to participate in “10-Day” activities. Effingham County School District Page 17 of 53 Student & Parent Handbook 2023-2024 To regain eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities (i.e., clubs, pageants, field trips, “10-Day” activities), a student must:
● Earn 70% or higher in 5 classes at the end of a nine-weeks’ grading period
● Have less than six (6) unexcused school day absences in a 9 weeks grading period. For the purposes of eligibility, a student is considered present at school for a full day if they are present 4 of 7 periods.
● Have four or less discipline referrals in a nine-weeks’ grading period For students attending school for only a portion of the year, absences, grade point averages, and discipline referrals will be appropriately prorated for the time enrolled in school when making an eligibility determination.
GENERAL MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC (GHSA) ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Students gain eligibility to practice or compete for the middle school or high school in Effingham County in which they are enrolled after they have been certified by the principal of that school, after the eligibility forms have been processed by the GHSA office (if applicable), and after the students have met the standards of:
1. Academic requirements
2. Age 3. Semester in high school
4. Residence in the school’s service area
5. Georgia High School Association transfer rules (if applicable)
6. Annual physical examination SPECIFIC ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS MIDDLE SCHOOL OR HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible. First year students (entering 6th or 9th grade) are eligible academically.
To be considered eligible for athletics, a student must:
● Earn a 70% or higher in 5 classes at the end of 1st Semester
● Yearlong final grades will be used for 2nd Semester reporting
● Have less than six (6) unexcused school day absences in a 9 weeks grading period. For the purposes of eligibility, a student is considered present at school for a full day if they are present 4 of 7 periods.
● Have four or less discipline referrals in a nine-weeks’ grading period The grade reported to GHSA (high school) for the spring semester will be the yearlong grade. Athletic academic eligibility lasts for one semester and must be reviewed after each and every semester. The Athletic Director at each high school will submit eligibility reports each semester to the Georgia High School Association. Each school principal is required to provide and monitor the school’s ineligibility list for attendance and discipline each nine-weeks’ grading period.
● Five (5) high school credits after 1st year
● Eleven (11) high school credits after 2nd year
● Seventeen (17) high school credits after 3rd year
Rising seniors who have met the eligibility requirements at the end of the second semester of their previous school term may be eligible to be exempted from either the first or the last period of their seven period schedule during their senior year (Senior Privilege Period). Students will not be allowed to remain on campus during the Senior Privilege Period; therefore, personal transportation is required. This privilege is earned during the second semester of the junior year and may be lost if the student fails to follow school rules and Senior Privilege Period guidelines.
To be considered for this exemption, a student must:
● Earn a 70% or higher in 5 classes at the end of the previous semester
● Have less than six (6) unexcused school day absences in a 9 weeks grading period. For the purposes of eligibility, a student is considered present at school for a full day if they are present 4 of 7 periods.
● Have four or less discipline referrals in the previous nine-weeks’ grading period
● Have earned the minimum credits for promotion to grade 12 as required by the local system’s policy. Seniors may have their Senior Privilege Period revoked at the principal’s discretion for violation of rules within the Effingham County School System Code of Conduct. Parent permission is required for student to participate. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES Students, and their custodial parent(s) or guardians, are ultimately responsible for attendance and absences; however, school officials may attempt to contact, notify and inform custodial parent(s) or guardians of students who have unusual patterns of absences in any class, for any reason, during a nine-week grading period. Under no circumstances is it acceptable for a student to falsify their attendance records. Pre-K and Preschool Intervention Program (PSI) students will follow the attendance guidelines provided by Bright from the Start. According to Bright from the Start guidelines, Pre-K students that are absent for ten (10) consecutive days may be dropped from the program.
LATE ARRIVAL/EARLY DEPARTURE PROCEDURES For unexcused late arrivals to school and unexcused early departures from school, the following procedures will apply:
● Students who have a total of five (5) yearly cumulative unexcused late arrivals and/or early departures from school will be considered in violation of the Compulsory School Attendance Law and notice will be sent home regarding violation of this law.
● Excuses for tardies/early departures shall be accepted for the following reasons:
○ Personal illness and whose attendance may be detrimental to the health of themselves or others. ○ Illness or death in the immediate family.
○ Special and recognized religious holidays.
○ Mandated by the order of a government agency (such as jury duty or physical exam for armed services).
○ Serving as Page to the Georgia General Assembly.
○ A student whose parent or legal guardian is in military service in the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard and such parent has been called to active duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting will be granted excused late arrivals or early departures to visit with his or her parent prior to the parent’s deployment or during the leave. Indication of an excused early departure or late arrival specified on a school sign in/out sheet by a parent/guardian shall be accepted as a substitute for a written excuse. Unless a student is signed out of school at least ten (10) minutes prior to the regular school dismissal time, the student will need to remain in class until the regular dismissal time.
Students who accumulate excessive unexcused late arrivals or early departures from school during a 9-week grading period shall receive the following consequences: Effingham County School District Page 18 of 53 Student & Parent Handbook 2023-2024 Elementary Schools Grades Upon the third (3rd) and any subsequent unexcused late arrival or early departure per 9-week grading period, the student may receive a zero for class participation in the first (for late arrival) or last (for early departure) academic subject of the day for each and every violation during the 9-week period. This is a site-based decision at the authority of the principal. Make-up Work Teachers may not be required to provide make-up work for unexcused late arrivals/early departures unless the school principal determines that circumstances warrant the granting of such make-up work. If the student needs to complete make-up work due to unexcused late arrivals and/or unexcused early departures, the student shall make up the work during P.E., music, or recess on the same or following day. Pre-K Bright from the Start policy States “Children who do not attend class, are late, or leave early for 10 consecutive days without a medical excuse or other reasonable explanation, must be removed from the roster, and Bright from the Start must be immediately notified in writing that such action has been taken.” Middle Schools Discipline Students who accumulate more than two (2) unexcused late arrivals and/or more than two (2) unexcused early departures from school during a 9-week grading period shall be subject to the appropriate consequences according to progressive discipline measures which may include detention, in-school suspension, and out-of-school suspension. * Days suspended will increase accordingly after eight (8) unexcused tardies/early departures during a 9-week period. High Schools Discipline High school students missing more than 10 minutes from any class are considered absent for that class. Missing less than 10 minutes from any class is considered to be a tardy/early departure. Students who accumulate more than two (2) unexcused late arrivals and/or more than two (2) unexcused early departures from any class during a 9-week grading period shall be subject to the appropriate consequences according to progressive discipline measures which may include detention, in-school suspension, and out-of-school suspension. *Days suspended will increase accordingly after six (6) unexcused tardies/early departures during a 9-week period.
TEEN-AGE & ADULT DRIVER - RESPONSIBILITY ACT Georgia’s Teen-age and Adult Driver Responsibility Act of 1997 requires that local school systems certify whether or not a student’s attendance pattern and discipline record allow him or her to have a Georgia Driver’s permit or license. This section of the law became effective on January 1, 1998. O.C.G.A. § 40-5-22 stipulates that the issuance of a driver’s license and driver’s permit to minors will be based on student enrollment. Driving curfews also apply to any Class D license holders prohibited from driving between 12 and 5 AM. During the first six months an individual holds a Class D driver’s license, they may not drive with any non-family passengers under the age of 21.
CERTIFICATE OF SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Students must present a Certificate of School Enrollment when applying for a driver’s license or permit. This certificate may be obtained from the counselors’ office for a $5 fee. Allow at least 48 hours (two working days) for the certificate to be prepared. This certificate is good for thirty (30) days. If a driver’s license or permit is applied for after the certificate has expired, then the student must obtain another certificate for $5 and allow at least two working days for processing. Students who plan to obtain a permit or license during the summer months must obtain a Certificate of School Enrollment prior to summer break. Certificates issued prior to summer break are valid for ninety (90) days.