SEHS Stang Gang
Show your school spirit by joining Stang Gang! This student section represents the Mustangs at home and away athletic events by displaying our Mustang Pride!
See Dr. Eden Douglas for any questions or concerns.
- Officers receive a stole and cord
- Members that are not officers will receive a cord
- Officer Positions: SENIORS ONLY! All officers will be required to submit an application. These applications will then be reviewed by a panel of school staff. Officer candidates will be chosen from the selected applicants.
Includes: President, Vice President, Secretary, 6 Members at Large (2 for Fall, Winter, Spring sports)
- Must meet the following guidelines found in the ECSD Student Handbook to participate in extracurricular activities.
- Must attend all school Pep Rallies (typically 1 in the first semester, 1 in the 2nd semester)
- Must attend all Spirit Walks/Parades that occur during IF for specific sports celebrations
- Must attend at least 50% of all home sporting events in which Mustang Spirit Club is represented.
- Must pay in MSB the one-time $40 due fee by the first meeting of the school year and are HIGHLY encouraged to purchase a Mustang Sports Pass.
- Must present characteristics that reflect the integrity of South Effingham High School. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from this club.
- Officer meetings are twice a month or as needed; club members will meet once a month. All meetings occur during IF.